Frequently Asked Questions

An online co-investment platform for real estate called Kinship Partner (KP) enables investors to make modest investments in foreign real estate. On our platform, every opportunity is thoroughly examined and underwritten with complete offering papers and financial predictions. RV will move forward with the acquisition once the deal is fully funded, manage the property during the investment period to maximize the exit value at disposal, and drive returns.

There are three major steps to starting an investment with us. Initially, register yourself as a user, and we'll carry out the necessary legal KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures. The second step is to browse our Investments, choose the offer that best matches your risk and return tolerance, and then finance your investment. Thirdly, use a customized portfolio page to keep tabs on the performance of your investments. Your digital account will receive any dividends back.

A group of experts with backgrounds in real estate, logistic, technology, and finance make up Kinship Partner (KP). (Names of CEO/Founders,) two very seasoned individuals in the real estate and IT industries, respectively, created Kinship Partner. With more than 15 years of expertise in the real estate fund management sector, (Name) has completed more than 2.5 billion dollars' worth of real estate acquisitions in the Asia-Pacific region.

Yes, it most certainly is! Kinship Partner is dedicated to keeping its platform for investor transactions safe and secure. As a result, the IT staff stays up to date with security-related industry best practices. The team also uses firewalls, SSL encryption, and makes sure the servers have the most recent security patches installed. The team routinely checks the infrastructure of the systems to look for flaws.

With a lower minimum investment amount than a blind pool fund, Kinship Partner offers diversity with less money by letting investors choose the properties they want to participate in. Additionally, the platform offers a wide range of options across various property sectors, jurisdictions, and value chains. You may, for instance, co-invest in residential construction and share in the developer's profits, or you could provide a real estate owner a loan with a certain term and interest rate. Additionally, the platform will take on the role of a real estate manager, actively managing the assets to maximize profits, guarantee that all taxes and expenditures are paid in a timely manner, and distribute rental income to investors.

Kinship Partner provides services to a wide spectrum of tech-savvy, individual investors, often in their early to mid-fifties. For instance, the platform is a terrific method for bankers, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, directors, and many other knowledgeable people to have access to international real estate and diversify their real estate portfolio. The Kinship Partner product is particularly appealing to investors interested in hassle-free, international real estate transactions. Non-individual investors including family offices have shown interest in the Kinship Partner services.

A new strategy is used by Kinship Partner when investing in real estate and logistics; we follow the transaction all the way through from acquisition, asset management, and divestiture. As a result, at Kinship Partner, we put every deal to the test using a strict set of deal evaluation criteria that takes into account asset management issues, macroeconomic factors, real estate market dynamics, and property qualities. We also restrict the investments we make. We only consider markets where we have solid field operatives and in-depth market expertise. In contrast to other platforms, which could be more transaction-focused and frequently list many offers online, this one does not. At Kinship Partner, we coinvest with our investors to ensure that our interests are aligned.